Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Got the perfect layout?

You’ve got you design all layed out and the flowers in plae then you have to move the flowers to put the glue on. Sometimes I have trouble, one way or another, making sure that my flowers land up i the same place as i found i liked them before i glued them into place on the card or other project. So I decided to make a little template. This post is how i did that.\

layout 1_1271

this is the way i want my flowers to look like when I have applied the glue and put them into place on my project.

layout 2_1273

I then took a piece of wax paper about the size of the object that the flowers are going to be glued onto and laid it carefully over the flowers and leaves then marked the flower centers and the stem of the leaf cluster starting at the base of the furthest out leaf. The daisies and roses are marked with a circle while little flowers are marked with a dot right in the center of the flower.

Layout 3_1274

I marked the flowers in the order that they will be placed onto the object with a number and punched a hole through the wax paper to place the glue. I used a larger hole for the larger flowers as more glue is needed as well as I need to know that this will be the larger flower. For the leaf lines, I cut a slit in the paper.

layout 3_1276 Next i laid the wax paper template on the object i want the flowers on and placed a dot or line of glue (mono multi) in the hole of the template and carefully lifted the template off and laid it aside. I let the glue dry just a little (mono multi dries quickly) till it was just tacky enough the flowers wouldn’t go sliding, and laid the flowers and leaves down in the order I wrote on the template. You do need to remember to lay the template in a safe area of the work area because there is a little glue that will be on the template itself


The flowers are glued and waiting the next step.

I save the template with the other cut flowers in a snack-size baggie and have them in a candy box.

1 comment:

Barbra Joan said...

You post such great tutes. Easy to understand.. Now I know why your " stuff" always looks so good. Planning !!!! have a great day!