Monday, July 26, 2010

cutting Fragile Lacy Items

Just some tips:

1. make sure you are using lighter weight paper – 65# bristol and Dick Blick’s drawing paper

Make sure that you have smoothed over every inch of the paper to make it stick to the mat

When finished cutting:

Gently, slowly carefully pull away the surrounding paper, cutting off pieces as you go Most of the time your cut piece will still be on the mat

pile of cuttings

Then go back and pick out the parts of the design that will be discarded


Work in a well lit room so that you can easily see the cutting lines

have an exacto knife and a really good pair of manicure scissors(with very thin curved blades; mine came from Korea), ready in case you made need to finish a cut that didn’t come out so well, but do not use it while paper cut is on the mat.


another must have tool is this one…Cricut spatula

and this one…  IMG_1294


Romeo said...

The Quick Stick is wonderful, isn't it? Of course it helps if you understand what the green stuff is and that when you turn the barrel it will come out...."she" didn't realize that at first....okay so like I never said "she" was the sharpest crayon in the box ;)

Hope you are having a great week!!!! LOVE your cutouts!!!!


Romeo and "her"

cristinoel said...

Poor Romeo...You have so much to put with us poor adults. by the way does she (that wonderful she that pets you and feeds you) kno wthat when that runs out she can go and get some of that florist's clay and start all over again.

cristinoel said...

P.S. Baby says hello. she's photo-ed on the other blog - crochet bits. she like the kitchen window.

Romeo said...

What?!?! No, "she" did NOT know that! Thought once it was gone, it was simply gone. Well, I'd better let her know....

Hello to Baby! Please be sure and give her some head bonkers and smooches from me, okay?!

Have a great week!
